Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast Live

Listen in to the latest KDE Podcast Live! 

On the latest episode of the KDE Podcast Live, we took a look at maximizing Kingdom Momentum with expert tips from Michele, empowering us to elevate our impact. During the Rapid Fire Moment Alicia helped us to explore staying grounded in community for Kingdom advancement and fulfilling our assignments. Plus, as always during the insightful Ask the Entrepreneur segment, we tackled listener questions head-on. Tune in and reignite your passion for purpose-driven living!

Be sure to listen to another lively episode of the KDE Podcast Live. 

Tune in live and be part of the KDE Podcast community on our YouTube Channel.


Direct download: p0467.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST

What’s happening this week on the KDE Podcast Live! 

Be sure to listen in to another exciting episode of the KDE Podcast Live, featuring our phenomenal hosts! Last week, we shared insights into our lives, answered questions about content creation, and kept the energy high throughout the hour. Our specialist of the week, Brandon Galaci, dived into identifying the root cause of financial stress and practical steps to achieve financial freedom. Lastly, LaTara offered her perspective on nurturing community connections. If you missed out on the live interaction, catch up on the recording now!

Be sure to listen to another lively episode of the KDE Podcast Live. 

Tune in live and be part of the KDE Podcast community on our YouTube Channel

Direct download: p0466.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST

What’s happening this week on the KDE Podcast Live! 

Take a listen to the latest episode of the KDE Podcast Live! Join us as we catch up on "What’s Happening with the Hosts" and dive into insightful discussions. In this episode's "Ask the Entrepreneur" segment, we'll be addressing 2-3 of your burning questions. Plus, our "Specialist of the Week," Dori, will be sharing invaluable tips on refocusing using creativity to unlock clarity and fresh ideas. And be sure to stick around for our "Rapid Fire Moment" led by Phil, where we'll explore how community serves as a vital resource hub and a source of support. It's all happening in this episode - tune in now for a dose of inspiration and knowledge! 

Be sure to listen to another lively episode of the KDE Podcast Live. 

Tune in live and be part of the KDE Podcast community on our YouTube Channel

Direct download: p0465.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST

What’s happening this week on the KDE Podcast Live! 

Listen to the latest episode as as our hosts explore the myth of perfectionism and unravel its complexities, with specialist, Joy Capps. During the Rapid Fire Moment, discover why you are designed by God as predetermined and planned solutions. Also during this episode, you will learn practical advice and strategies for effective time management and productivity. 

Get ready for an engaging and enlightening discussion that will empower, inspire, and motivate you to embrace imperfection and unleash your true potential. 

Be sure to listen to another lively episode of the KDE Podcast Live!


Direct download: p0464.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am EST